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Focus on.... homeopathy and SUMMER!

The forecast is starting to look good so I thought it would be good to focus on how beneficial homeopathy can be at this time of year.

Below are some first aid suggestions for common summer issues and it is always useful to consult a homeopath for constitutional treatment to treat your susceptibility to certain situations such as hayfever, sunburn, heat stroke and so on.


To avoid bites do not wear sweet smelling perfumes and cover up outdoors after sunset.

Homeopathic remedies that can help in first aid situations:

Ledum – No 1 remedy for insect bites or stings. Relieves pricking, stinging pains with redness and swelling. Sting relieved by cold applications. May be used with Hypericum 30c for animal bites. Always seek medical attention if bitten by an animal whilst abroad.

Apis – Bee stings and stings with much swelling, heat, tension and redness. The pain is made worse by heat and better by cold applications.

Urtica – For urticaria or hives as a result of allergic reactions to insect bites and stings such as jellyfish. Pain is pricking, burning and feels better for rubbing.

Urtica cream – A soothing topical application traditionally used for insect bites, stings and other eruptions where there is intense itching and burning of the skin.

Ledum/Hypericum/Calendula/Urtica combination tincture – apply directly to bites and stings to reduce inflammation and sooth itching.


Sunburn may happen even if the sun does not feel particularly strong. Children are especially vulnerable. Avoid the midday sun, use good quality high protection sunscreen and re-apply regularly, especially after swimming. Young children should wear protective uv clothing and hats. The following remedies are traditionally used to help with minor sunburn. Always seek medical attention for severe burns.

Belladonna – Painful, bright red, hot skin with possible throbbing headache and blistering in severe cases. Urtica – Mild sunburn with itching, or allergic reactions to the sun in the form of prickly heat.

Cantharis – Painful sunburn with possible blistering.

Urtica Cream – A soothing topical application for burning, itching and allergic reactions to the sun.

Calendula Cream – Soothing and healing for mild sunburn.

Appointments can be made for your consultation either at my treatment room on Hayling Island or on Fridays in Chichester.

Beach Fun

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